Club Series Races (All races are weather dependent.  Registration required)

Each monthly series will have at least three weekend days of racing, with 3-4 races every Saturday with one series for Sunfish and one series for Flying Scot/Open fleet. In case of unfavorable conditions, series races may be postponed to the immediately following Sunday. This schedule may be adjusted during the season, and changes will be reflected here.  Low point scoring is used (1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, etc.) with throw-outs used as follows: 6 total races = 1 throw-out, 9 races = 2 throw-outs, 12 races = 3 throw-outs. This schedule may be adjusted during the season, and changes will be reflected here.

Sail the Bay (Pursuit Race) Sundays June 9, June 23 & July 7

This is a casual event that follows 6 or 7 legs across a course that will take sailors to different points from the north end to south end of Rehoboth Bay and back again. The event is open to all types of sailboats and abilities. Boats will be loosely organized into several ‘fleets’ based on their speed rating. Start times for each fleet will be staggered, starting with the slowest boats first and ending with the fastest boats last. The first boat to finish in each ‘fleet’ wins first place for that fleet. Rules will be kept simple and competition will be light hearted. Skippers Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

On Sail the Bay (Pursuit Race) Days the fleet will be sticking around after sailing, firing up the grill for a Bring Your Own Barbeque social.  All sailors are welcome to join in. COURSE INFO HERE.  For more details email Bill Colgan at

Wednesday Night Beer Can / Good Time Races (open to all members)  every Wednesday June 4 through August 27:  This event is sponsored by Fleet 206 Flying Scots and is open to anyone including those members who would like to try racing. Have some fun and hone your sailing skills as well as the opportunity to meet other members on the water and afterwards for refreshments (BYO). Rules will be kept simple and competition will be light hearted. Skippers’ meeting at 5:00 pm.  For details and registration contact Don Walbrecht by email at

Couples Regatta, Sunday June 22:  A fun event for couples. No racing experience necessary; open to any type of sailboat. Rules will be kept simple with light coaching provided. There will be 3 short races followed by pizza, soft drinks, and awards. BYOB if preferred. Meet on the club house deck at 12:00 pm for additional instructions. No fee required. For details and registration (which is required) contact Don Walbrecht by email at

Family Regatta, Sunday July 13:   A great opportunity to bring the family together for some fun on the water. No racing experience necessary; open to any type of sailboat. Rules will be kept simple. There will be 3 short races followed by pizza, soft drinks, and awards. BYOB if preferred. Meet on the club house deck at 12:00 pm for additional instructions. No fee required. For details and registration (which is required) contact Don Walbrecht by email at

Poker Race, Sunday July 27:  Another fun event that we are bringing back by popular demand. No racing experience necessary; open to any type of sailboat. Each boat will be dealt 5 cards; 2 cards before the start of the race then sail to each of 3 boats anchored at various spots on the bay to get cards 3, 4, and 5. Then race back to the club. The first boat to return will receive an extra bonus card. Best 5 card hand wins the prize collection of beers. Meet on the club house deck at 12:00 pm for additional instructions. The entry fee is a six pack of beer. For details and registration (which is required) contact Don Walbrecht by email at

Spinnaker Clinic, Sunday June 8: Fine tune your sailing skills at this free clinic on using a symmetrical spinnaker. Topics to be covered include rigging, launching and dousing the spinnaker as well as jibing. Demonstrations will be on land and water. Clinic begins at 11:00 am by the clubhouse. No fee required. For details about the Spinnaker Clinic contact Don Walbrecht by email at

Club Regattas

McConnell Cup (Sunfish Fleet 200)Saturday July 5
Norman Bennett Cup (Open Fleet)Saturday July 5
Commodore’s Cup (Sunfish Fleet 200)Saturday August 30
Dave Racine Cup (Open Fleet)Saturday August 23

NOTES: Club Regattas
Regattas for Sunfish, Flying Scots and Open fleets each have 3-5 races.
Skippers’ Meeting 12 pm, first start 1 pm, all boats & all abilities encouraged to participate. 

Invitational Regattas

 Sunfish Mid-Atlantic Regional Championship Regatta (World Championship qualifier)

Contact Rob Lackey at

 August 10-11

Flying Scot Invitational

Contact Don Walbrecht at

 September 20-21

Hobie Division 11 FC Regatta

First race Saturday 11:00, Sunday 10:00
Contact Bill Colgan at  

 October 12-13

Laser District 11 Regatta Championship

Contact Don Walbrecht at

See Laser Regatta Release here

September 20-21


Race Results 

2024 Racing starts May 25, 2024

Sign up for Saturday Race Committee!

It’s fun and a great way to learn more about racing.  Volunteers are always welcome. Contact us if interested.